Linear Mixed Model

What is a Linear Mixed Model?

A Linear Mixed Model (LMM), also known as a mixed-effect model, is a statistical model that incorporates both fixed effects and random effects. These models are particularly useful for data that exhibit correlation and non-constant variability. LMMs are an extension of simple linear models that allow for both fixed and random effects, which makes them suitable for more complex experimental designs, including those with hierarchical or nested structures.

Understanding Fixed and Random Effects

To better understand LMMs, it's important to differentiate between fixed and random effects:

  • Fixed effects are the conventional coefficients estimated in many regression models. They represent the average effect of a predictor variable across the entire population. For example, in a study on the effect of a drug on blood pressure, the average change in blood pressure due to the drug would be a fixed effect.
  • Random effects account for variations that cannot be explained by the fixed effects alone. These effects are random variables that introduce a stochastic element to the model. Random effects are used to model the impact of unobserved heterogeneity within the data. For instance, if patients from different hospitals are included in the drug study, the variability in blood pressure changes across hospitals could be modeled as a random effect.

When to Use a Linear Mixed Model

LMMs are particularly useful in several scenarios, such as:

  • When data are collected from different groups that may have unique characteristics (e.g., students within classrooms, patients within hospitals).
  • When measurements are taken from the same subjects over time, leading to repeated measures that are correlated.
  • When the data structure is hierarchical or nested, such as employees within firms or plants within plots.

Formulation of a Linear Mixed Model

The general form of a Linear Mixed Model can be written as:

Y = Xβ + Zu + ε


  • Y is the vector of observed data.
  • X is the matrix of fixed-effects predictors.
  • β is the vector of fixed-effects coefficients.
  • Z is the matrix of random-effects predictors.
  • u is the vector of random-effects coefficients.
  • ε is the vector of residuals or errors.

The matrices X and Z allow for different sets of predictors for the fixed and random effects, respectively, while the vectors β and u represent the effects themselves.

Estimation and Inference in Linear Mixed Models

Estimating the parameters of an LMM is more complex than in a simple linear regression due to the presence of random effects. The estimation typically involves maximizing the likelihood of the observed data, which can be done using various algorithms such as Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) or Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation.

Inference in LMMs, such as hypothesis testing and the creation of confidence intervals, is also more complicated. The variability introduced by the random effects must be accounted for, and standard errors of the fixed-effect estimates are adjusted accordingly.

Advantages of Linear Mixed Models

LMMs offer several advantages:

  • They provide a more accurate and nuanced understanding of the data by accounting for group-level variability.
  • They can handle missing data more effectively than many traditional methods, as long as the data are missing at random.
  • They allow for the analysis of complex data structures that would otherwise require data aggregation or other simplifications that could lead to loss of information.

Challenges with Linear Mixed Models

While LMMs are powerful, they also present challenges:

  • The complexity of the models can make them difficult to specify and interpret.
  • Model fitting can be computationally intensive, especially for large datasets or models with many random effects.
  • Deciding on the appropriate structure for the random effects requires careful consideration and is often guided by the context of the data.


Linear Mixed Models are a versatile tool for analyzing data with complex structures. By incorporating both fixed and random effects, LMMs can provide insights that are not possible with simpler models. While they require careful specification and interpretation, the flexibility and depth of analysis they offer make them invaluable in many fields, including medicine, biology, psychology, and social sciences.


For further reading on Linear Mixed Models, the following references provide more detailed explanations and examples:

  • McCulloch, C. E., & Searle, S. R. (2001). Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models.
  • Pinheiro, J. C., & Bates, D. M. (2000). Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS.
  • Verbeke, G., & Molenberghs, G. (2000). Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data.

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