Markov Decision Process

Understanding Markov Decision Process

A Markov Decision Process (MDP) is a mathematical framework used for modeling decision making in situations where outcomes are partly random and partly under the control of a decision maker. MDPs are useful for studying optimization problems solved via dynamic programming and reinforcement learning. They are used in a wide range of disciplines, including robotics, automated control, economics, and manufacturing.

Components of a Markov Decision Process

An MDP is defined by the following components:

  • States (S): A finite set of states that the system can be in. The MDP process moves from one state to another based on the decision maker's actions and the stochastic nature of the environment.
  • Actions (A): A finite set of actions available to the decision maker. The choice of action in a given state leads to a transition to another state.
  • Transition Probability (P): The probability that the system transitions from one state to another, given a particular action. This is often denoted as P(s', s | a), which is the probability of transitioning to state s' from state s when action a is taken.
  • Rewards (R): A reward function that assigns a numerical value to each transition between states. This reflects the immediate gain or loss associated with a transition, guiding the decision maker towards favorable outcomes.
  • Policy (π): A policy is a strategy that specifies the action to be taken in each state. A policy can be deterministic, where a specific action is chosen for each state, or stochastic, where a probability distribution over actions is defined for each state.
  • Discount Factor (γ): A factor between 0 and 1 that discounts future rewards compared to immediate rewards. This reflects the preference for immediate rewards over future ones and ensures the convergence of the reward sum in infinite-horizon problems.

Objectives of a Markov Decision Process

The goal in an MDP is to find an optimal policy that maximizes the expected sum of discounted rewards over time. This is often referred to as the value of a state under a policy, and can be defined as the expected long-term return with the discount factor γ, starting from state s and following policy π.

Solving a Markov Decision Process

There are several methods for solving MDPs, including:

  • Value Iteration: An iterative algorithm that updates the value of each state under the assumption of acting optimally from that state onwards. The algorithm iteratively updates the value of each state until the values converge to a stable set, which represents the value function of the optimal policy.
  • Policy Iteration: An iterative algorithm that alternates between policy evaluation (computing the value of a policy) and policy improvement (using the value function to find a better policy). This process is repeated until the policy converges to the optimal policy.
  • Q-Learning: A model-free reinforcement learning algorithm that learns the quality of actions (denoted as Q-values) directly from experience without a model of the environment's dynamics. Q-learning can find the optimal policy even when the model of the environment is unknown.

Markov Property

The core property of an MDP is the Markov property, which states that the future is independent of the past given the present. In other words, the next state and reward depend only on the current state and the action taken, not on the sequence of events that preceded it.

Applications of Markov Decision Processes

MDPs have a broad range of applications, including:

  • Robotics for path planning and obstacle avoidance.
  • Resource management in computer systems and networks.
  • Financial models for investment and portfolio optimization.
  • Game theory and decision-making in competitive environments.
  • Medical treatment planning and patient care optimization.


Markov Decision Processes provide a powerful and flexible framework for modeling and solving problems involving sequential decision-making under uncertainty. By breaking down the decision-making process into states, actions, transitions, and rewards, MDPs allow for the systematic analysis of complex problems and the development of strategies that maximize long-term benefits.

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