Metric Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a classical method for generati...
We study Snipperclips, a computer puzzle game whose objective is to crea...
We give both efficient algorithms and hardness results for reconfiguring...
When can n given numbers be combined using arithmetic operators from a
We prove that the classic falling-block video game Tetris (both survival...
Given a set of point sites, a sona drawing is a single closed curve, dis...
Suppose an "escaping" player moves continuously at maximum speed 1 in th...
Can an infinite-strength magnetic beacon always “catch” an iron ball, wh...
Consider n^2-1 unit-square blocks in an n × n square board, where
each b...
We analyze the computational complexity of several new variants of
We consider problems in which a simple path of fixed length, in an undir...
We analyze the computational complexity of the many types of
We prove that path puzzles with complete row and column information--or
We study the problem of folding a polyomino P into a polycube Q, allowin...
We analyze a directed variation of the book embedding problem when the p...