We provide a general framework to exclude parameterized running times of...
Finding large "cliquish" subgraphs is a classic NP-hard graph problem. I...
Given a graph and two integers k and ℓ, Partial Vertex Cover asks for
a ...
Data reduction rules are an established method in the algorithmic toolbo...
We study the following two fixed-cardinality optimization problems (a
A recent report of Littmann [Commun. ACM '21] outlines the existence and...
In static graphs, the betweenness centrality of a graph vertex measures ...
Given an undirected n-vertex graph and k pairs of terminal vertices
Fox et al. [SIAM J. Comp. 2020] introduced a new parameter, called
Editing a graph into a disjoint union of clusters is a standard optimiza...
We investigate parameterized algorithms for the NP-hard problem Min-Powe...
Kernelization is the fundamental notion for polynomial-time prepocessing...
Node connectivity plays a central role in temporal network analysis. We
We introduce a dynamic version of the NP-hard Cluster Editing problem. T...
Finding (maximum-cardinality) "cliquish" subgraphs is a central topic in...
Finding a maximum-cardinality or maximum-weight matching in (edge-weight...
We study the NP-hard Shortest Path Most Vital Edges problem arising in t...
Diameter--the task of computing the length of a longest shortest path---...
Betweenness centrality, measuring how many shortest paths pass through a...
Kernelization is an important tool in parameterized algorithmics. The go...