Directed grey-box fuzzing (DGF) is a target-guided fuzzing intended for
A truly generalizable approach to rigid segmentation and motion estimati...
Deep learning is experiencing a rise in foundation models that are expec...
The MultiCoNER II task aims to detect complex, ambiguous, and fine-grain...
In this paper, a novel robotic grasping system is established to
As the hardware industry moves towards using specialized heterogeneous
Nearest neighbor search supports important applications in many domains,...
Graph neural networks exhibit remarkable performance in graph data analy...
Fuzzing is one of the most efficient technology for vulnerability detect...
Modern operating systems all support multi-users that users could share ...
For diagnosing melanoma, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained tissue slid...
Graph deep learning models, such as graph convolutional networks (GCN)
Despite outperforming the human in many tasks, deep neural network model...