Deepfake has taken the world by storm, triggering a trust crisis. Curren...
The malicious use and widespread dissemination of deepfake pose a signif...
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in automated program
We investigate the feasibility of employing large language models (LLMs)...
Intel SGX enables memory isolation and static integrity verification of ...
Machine learning classification models are vulnerable to adversarial exa...
Attributing a piece of malware to its creator typically requires threat
Software obfuscation plays a crucial role in protecting intellectual pro...
With the growing processing power of computing systems and the increasin...
Machine learning for malware classification shows encouraging results, b...
With more than 500 million daily tweets from over 330 million active use...
Recent research efforts on adversarial ML have investigated problem-spac...
Academic research on machine learning-based malware classification appea...
A Webview embeds a full-fledged browser in a mobile application and allo...