Image inpainting is the task of filling in missing or masked region of a...
The ever-increasing demands for intuitive interactions in Virtual Realit...
The performance of PatchMatch-based multi-view stereo algorithms depends...
The class-agnostic counting (CAC) problem has caught increasing attentio...
Existing state-of-the-art crowd counting algorithms rely excessively on
This paper considers to jointly tackle the highly correlated tasks of
We aim to tackle the interesting yet challenging problem of generating v...
This paper focuses on a new problem of estimating human pose and shape f...
Event camera is an emerging imaging sensor for capturing dynamics of mov...
Given a picture of a chair, could we extract the 3-D shape of the chair,...
This paper presents a novel unsupervised approach to reconstruct human s...
Crowd counting remains a challenging task because the presence of drasti...
Action recognition is a relatively established task, where givenan input...
This paper tackles the problem of estimating 3D body shape of clothed hu...
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to reconstruct 3D human body
Crowd counting is an important vision task, which faces challenges on
Polarization images are known to be able to capture polarized reflected
Numerous valuable efforts have been devoted to achieving arbitrary style...
Style transfer has been an important topic in both computer vision and
Recently, Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) obtained huge success in
A robust solution for semi-dense stereo matching is presented. It utiliz...
Numerous techniques have been proposed for reconstructing 3D models for
We introduce BranchGAN, a novel training method that enables uncondition...
Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for cross-domain