[Context] Microservices enable the decomposition of applications into sm...
Background: Test suites are frequently used to quantify relevant softwar...
The significant momentum and importance of Mining Software Repositories ...
Context: The overall scientific community is proposing measures to impro...
Background: Publication bias is the failure to publish the results of a ...
In this paper, we investigate the effect of TDD, as compared to a non-TD...
Context: Test-driven development (TDD) is an agile software development
Context: It has been argued that software engineering replications are u...
Empirical Standards are natural-language models of a scientific communit...
Researcher Bias (RB) occurs when researchers influence the results of an...
Context: Software Engineering (SE) experiments suffer from threats to
Context: Researchers from different groups and institutions are collabor...
Test-Driven Development (TDD), an agile development approach that enforc...
Software Engineering (SE) experiments are traditionally analyzed with
Test-Driven Development (TDD) has been claimed to increase external soft...
Context: Researchers from different groups and institutions are collabor...
Background: Noise, defined as an unwanted sound, is one of the commonest...
Background: Test-Driven Development (TDD) is an agile software developme...
Context: Families of experiments -groups of interrelated experiments wit...
We present a quasi-experiment to investigate whether, and to what extent...