Inspired by a recent study by Christensen and Popovski on secure 2-user
The Σ-QMAC problem is introduced, involving S servers, K classical
Linear computation broadcast (LCBC) refers to a setting with d dimension...
The K User Linear Computation Broadcast (LCBC) problem is comprised of d...
Using ideas from Generalized Degrees of Freedom (GDoF) analyses and extr...
The distributed matrix multiplication problem with an unknown number of
Coded distributed matrix multiplication (CDMM) schemes, such as MatDot c...
The robust principles of treating interference as noise (TIN) when it is...
Under the assumption of perfect channel state information at the transmi...
The problem of (information-theoretic) X-secure T-private federated
Double blind T-private information retrieval (DB-TPIR) enables two users...
A secure multi-party batch matrix multiplication problem (SMBMM) is
Coded distributed batch computation distributes a computation task, such...
The goal of coded distributed matrix multiplication (CDMM) is to efficie...
The problem of X-secure T-private information retrieval from MDS coded
The Generalized Degrees of Freedom (GDoF) of the two user interference
The problem of private information retrieval with graph-based replicated...
The two-user computation broadcast problem is introduced as the setting ...
Significant progress has been made recently in Generalized Degrees of Fr...
The degrees of freedom (DoF) region is characterized for the 2-user
A locally decodable code (LDC) maps K source symbols, each of size L_w
X-secure and T-private information retrieval (XSTPIR) is a form of