Topological Signal Processing (TSP) utilizes simplicial complexes to mod...
Graphons have traditionally served as limit objects for dense graph
Topological signal processing (TSP) over simplicial complexes typically
In node classification using graph neural networks (GNNs), a typical mod...
In graph neural networks (GNNs), both node features and labels are examp...
Many graph neural networks have been developed to learn graph representa...
Information-theoretic (IT) measures based on f-divergences have recently...
Camera relocalization has various applications in autonomous driving.
Heterogeneous graphs have multiple node and edge types and are semantica...
Graph signal processing is a framework to handle graph structured data. ...
Building facade parsing, which predicts pixel-level labels for building
Estimating Kullback Leibler (KL) divergence from data samples is a stren...
A reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) consists of massive meta elem...
A heterogeneous graph consists of different vertices and edges types.
We develop a privacy-preserving distributed projection least mean square...
Data is used widely by service providers as input to inference systems t...
This paper considers Lorden's minimax quickest change detection (QCD) pr...
Graph Neural Networks (GNN) has demonstrated the superior performance in...
Each agent in a network makes a local observation that is linearly relat...
We consider the problem of quickest change detection (QCD) in a signal w...
Error-correcting output codes (ECOC) is an ensemble method combining a s...
The expected reward in a linear stochastic bandit model is an unknown li...
The problem of estimating event truths from conflicting agent opinions i...
In view of the huge success of convolution neural networks (CNN) for ima...
In the quickest change detection problem in which both nuisance and crit...
We consider a linear dynamical system in which the state vector consists...
In a decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) network, a fusion center rec...
We equip an ultra-wideband (UWB) node and a 2D LiDAR sensor a.k.a. 2D la...
We consider a decentralized detection network whose aim is to infer a pu...
Workers participating in a crowdsourcing platform can have a wide range ...
We investigate the problem of truth discovery based on opinions from mul...
We consider a wireless sensor network consists of cooperative nodes, eac...
The increasing popularity of cloud computing has resulted in a prolifera...
The problem of quickest detection of a change in distribution is conside...
A sensor network wishes to transmit information to a fusion center to al...
We consider a crowdsourcing platform where workers' responses to questio...