There is a recent trend for using the novel Artificial Intelligence Chat...
We describe FastCat Catalogues, a Web application that supports research...
Archival research is a complicated task that involves several diverse
An increasing number of organisations in almost all fields have started
A vast area of research in historical science concerns the documentation...
Descriptive and empirical sciences, such as History, are the sciences th...
Question Answering (QA) is a challenging topic since it requires tacklin...
Large amounts of RDF/S data are produced and published lately, and sever...
There is a plethora of datasets in various formats which are usually sto...
The current de-facto way to query the Web of Data is through the SPARQL
The federated query extension of SPARQL 1.1 allows executing queries
In this work we discuss the related challenges and describe an approach
In various domains and cases, we observe the creation and usage of