A comparison of group testing architectures for COVID-19 testing
An important component of every country's COVID-19 response is fast and efficient testing – to identify and isolate cases, as well as for early detection of local hotspots. For many countries, producing a sufficient number of tests has been a serious limiting factor in their efforts to control COVID-19 infections. Group testing is a well-established mathematical tool, which can provide a serious and rapid improvement to this situation. In this note, we compare several well-established group testing schemes in the context of qPCR testing for COVID-19. We include example calculations, where we indicate which testing architectures yield the greatest efficiency gains in various settings. We find that for identification of individuals with COVID-19, array testing is usually the best choice, while for estimation of COVID-19 prevalence rates in the total population, Gibbs-Gower testing usually provides the most accurate estimates given a fixed and relatively small number of tests. This note is intended as a helpful handbook for labs implementing group testing methods.