A Finite Sample Theorem for Longitudinal Causal Inference with Machine Learning: Long Term, Dynamic, and Mediated Effects

by   Rahul Singh, et al.

I construct and justify confidence intervals for longitudinal causal parameters estimated with machine learning. Longitudinal parameters include long term, dynamic, and mediated effects. I provide a nonasymptotic theorem for any longitudinal causal parameter estimated with any machine learning algorithm that satisfies a few simple, interpretable conditions. The main result encompasses local parameters defined for specific demographics as well as proximal parameters defined in the presence of unobserved confounding. Formally, I prove consistency, Gaussian approximation, and semiparametric efficiency. The rate of convergence is n^-1/2 for global parameters, and it degrades gracefully for local parameters. I articulate a simple set of conditions to translate mean square rates into statistical inference. A key feature of the main result is a new multiple robustness to ill posedness for proximal causal inference in longitudinal settings.


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