A load balanced chemistry model with analytical Jacobian for faster reactive simulations in OpenFOAM

by   Bulut Tekgül, et al.

In this study, we introduce a novel open-source chemistry model for OpenFOAM to speed-up the reactive computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations using finite-rate chemistry. First, a dynamic load balancing model called DLBFoam is introduced to balance the chemistry load during runtime in parallel simulations. In addition, the solution of the cell-based chemistry problem is improved by utilizing an analytical Jacobian using an open-source library called pyJac and an efficient linear algebra library LAPACK. Combination of the aforementioned efforts yields a speed-up factor 200 for a high-fidelity large-eddy simulation spray combustion case compared to the standard OpenFOAM implementation. It is worth noting that the present implementation does not compromise the solution accuracy.


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