A Real-Time Millimeter Wave V2V Channel Sounder

by   Aditya Chopra, et al.

Wireless communication in millimeter wave spectrum is poised to provide the latency and bandwidth needed for advanced use cases unfeasible at lower frequencies. Despite the market potential of vehicular communication networks, investigations into the millimeter wave vehicular channel are lacking. In this paper, we present a detailed overview of a novel 1 GHz wide, multi-antenna vehicle to vehicle directional channel sounding and measurement platform operating at 28 GHz. The channel sounder uses two 256-element phased arrays at the transmitter vehicle and four 64-element arrays at the receiver vehicle, with the receiver measuring 116 different directional beams in less than 1 millisecond. By measuring the full multi-beam channel impulse response at large bandwidths, our system provides unprecedented insight in instantaneous mobile vehicle to vehicle channels. The system also uses centimeter-level global position tracking and 360 degree video capture to provide additional contextual information for joint communication and sensing applications. An initial measurement campaign was conducted on highway and surface streets in Austin, Texas. We show example data that highlights the sensing capability of the system. Preliminary results from the measurement campaign show that bumper mounted mmWave arrays provide rich scattering in traffic as well a provide significant directional diversity aiding towards high reliability vehicular communication. Additionally, potential waveguide effects from high traffic in lanes can also extend the range of mmWave signals significantly.


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