A Zero Attentive Relevance Matching Networkfor Review Modeling in Recommendation System

by   Hansi Zeng, et al.

User and item reviews are valuable for the construction of recommender systems. In general, existing review-based methods for recommendation can be broadly categorized into two groups: the siamese models that build static user and item representations from their reviews respectively, and the interaction-based models that encode user and item dynamically according to the similarity or relationships of their reviews. Although the interaction-based models have more model capacity and fit human purchasing behavior better, several problematic model designs and assumptions of the existing interaction-based models lead to its suboptimal performance compared to existing siamese models. In this paper, we identify three problems of the existing interaction-based recommendation models and propose a couple of solutions as well as a new interaction-based model to incorporate review data for rating prediction. Our model implements a relevance matching model with regularized training losses to discover user relevant information from long item reviews, and it also adapts a zero attention strategy to dynamically balance the item-dependent and item-independent information extracted from user reviews. Empirical experiments and case studies on Amazon Product Benchmark datasets show that our model can extract effective and interpretable user/item representations from their reviews and outperforms multiple types of state-of-the-art review-based recommendation models.


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