Active learning with version spaces for object detection

by   Soumya Roy, et al.

Given an image, we would like to learn to detect objects belonging to particular object categories. Common object detection methods train on large annotated datasets which are annotated in terms of bounding boxes that contain the object of interest. Previous works on object detection model the problem as a structured regression problem which ranks the correct bounding boxes more than the background ones. In this paper we develop algorithms which actively obtain annotations from human annotators for a small set of images, instead of all images, thereby reducing the annotation effort. Towards this goal, we make the following contributions: 1. We develop a principled version space based active learning method that solves for object detection as a structured prediction problem in a weakly supervised setting 2. We also propose two variants of the margin sampling strategy 3. We analyse the results on standard object detection benchmarks that show that with only 20 obtain more than 95 methods outperform random sampling and the classical uncertainty-based active learning algorithms like entropy


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