Age of Information: A Two-Sensor Status Update System Monitoring The Same Process

by   Tianqing Yang, et al.

This work studies the average age of information (AoI) of a monitoring system in which two sensors are sensing the same physical process and update status to a common monitor using their dedicated channels. Generally, using redundant devices to update the status of a process can improve the information timeliness at the monitor, but the disordered arrivals of updates also make the AoI analysis challenging. To that end, we model the system as two M/M/1/1 parallel status updating queues. By leveraging tools from stochastic hybrid system (SHS), we provide a general approach to analyze the average AoI, whereas a closed-form expression can be obtained when the status arrival rates and/or the service rates are the same for the two sensors. Numerical results validate the correctness of the theoretical analysis.


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