Aleth-NeRF: Low-light Condition View Synthesis with Concealing Fields
Common capture low-light scenes are challenging for most computer vision techniques, including Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Vanilla NeRF is viewer-centred that simplifies the rendering process only as light emission from 3D locations in the viewing direction, thus failing to model the low-illumination induced darkness. Inspired by emission theory of ancient Greek that visual perception is accomplished by rays casting from eyes, we make slight modifications on vanilla NeRF to train on multiple views of low-light scene, we can thus render out the well-lit scene in an unsupervised manner. We introduce a surrogate concept, Concealing Fields, that reduce the transport of light during the volume rendering stage. Specifically, our proposed method, Aleth-NeRF, directly learns from the dark image to understand volumetric object representation and concealing field under priors. By simply eliminating Concealing Fields, we can render a single or multi-view well-lit image(s) and gain superior performance over other 2D low light enhancement methods. Additionally, we collect the first paired LOw-light and normal-light Multi-view (LOM) datasets for future research.