An analysis of least-squares oversampled collocation methods for compactly perturbed boundary integral equations in two dimensions

by   Georg Maierhofer, et al.

In recent work (Maierhofer Huybrechs, 2022, Adv. Comput. Math.), the authors showed that least-squares oversampling can improve the convergence properties of collocation methods for boundary integral equations involving operators of certain pseudo-differential form. The underlying principle is that the discrete method approximates a Bubnov-Galerkin method in a suitable sense. In the present work, we extend this analysis to the case when the integral operator is perturbed by a compact operator 𝒦 which is continuous as a map on Sobolev spaces on the boundary, 𝒦:H^p→ H^q for all p,q∈ℝ. This study is complicated by the fact that both the test and trial functions in the discrete Bubnov-Galerkin orthogonality conditions are modified over the unperturbed setting. Our analysis guarantees that previous results concerning optimal convergence rates and sufficient rates of oversampling are preserved in the more general case. Indeed, for the first time, this analysis provides a complete explanation of the advantages of least-squares oversampled collocation for boundary integral formulations of the Laplace equation on arbitrary smooth Jordan curves in 2D. Our theoretical results are shown to be in very good agreement with numerical experiments.


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