Arc-Consistency computes the minimal binarised domains of an STP. Use of the result in a TCSP solver, in a TCSP-based job shop scheduler, and in generalising Dijkstra's one-to-

by   Amar Isli, et al.

TCSPs (Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problems), as defined in [Dechter et al., 1991], get rid of unary constraints by binarising them after having added an "origin of the world" variable. The constraints are therefore exclusively binary; additionally, a TCSP verifies the property that it is node-consistent and arc-consistent. Path-consistency, the next higher local consistency, solves the consistency problem of a convex TCSP, referred to in [Dechter et al., 1991] as an STP (Simple Temporal Problem); more than that, the output of path-consistency applied to an n+1-variable STP is a minimal and strongly n+1-consistent STP. Weaker versions of path-consistency, aimed at avoiding what is referred to in [Schwalb and Dechter, 1997] as the "fragmentation problem", are used as filtering procedures in recursive backtracking algorithms for the consistency problem of a general TCSP. In this work, we look at the constraints between the "origin of the world" variable and the other variables, as the (binarised) domains of these other variables. With this in mind, we define a notion of arc-consistency for TCSPs, which we will refer to as binarised-domains Arc-Consistency, or bdArc-Consistency for short. We provide an algorithm achieving bdArc-Consistency for a TCSP, which we will refer to as bdAC3, for it is an adaptation of Mackworth's [1977] well-known arc-consistency algorithm AC3. We show that bdArc-Consistency computes the minimal (binarised) domains of an STP. We then show how to use the result in a general TCSP solver, in a TCSP-based job shop scheduler, and in generalising the well-known Dijkstra's one-to-all shortest paths algorithm.


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