Are Fewer Labels Possible for Few-shot Learning?

by   Suichan Li, et al.

Few-shot learning is challenging due to its very limited data and labels. Recent studies in big transfer (BiT) show that few-shot learning can greatly benefit from pretraining on large scale labeled dataset in a different domain. This paper asks a more challenging question: "can we use as few as possible labels for few-shot learning in both pretraining (with no labels) and fine-tuning (with fewer labels)?". Our key insight is that the clustering of target samples in the feature space is all we need for few-shot finetuning. It explains why the vanilla unsupervised pretraining (poor clustering) is worse than the supervised one. In this paper, we propose transductive unsupervised pretraining that achieves a better clustering by involving target data even though its amount is very limited. The improved clustering result is of great value for identifying the most representative samples ("eigen-samples") for users to label, and in return, continued finetuning with the labeled eigen-samples further improves the clustering. Thus, we propose eigen-finetuning to enable fewer shot learning by leveraging the co-evolution of clustering and eigen-samples in the finetuning. We conduct experiments on 10 different few-shot target datasets, and our average few-shot performance outperforms both vanilla inductive unsupervised transfer and supervised transfer by a large margin. For instance, when each target category only has 10 labeled samples, the mean accuracy gain over the above two baselines is 9.2


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