ASA-SimaaS: Advancing Digital Transformation through Simulation Services in the Brazilian Air Force

by   Joao P. A. Dantas, et al.

This work explores the use of military simulations in predicting and evaluating the outcomes of potential scenarios. It highlights the evolution of military simulations and the increased capabilities that have arisen due to the advancement of artificial intelligence. Also, it discusses the various applications of military simulations, such as developing tactics and employment doctrines, training decision-makers, evaluating new acquisitions, and developing new technologies. The paper then focuses on the Brazilian Air Force's efforts to create its own simulation tool, the Aerospace Simulation Environment (Ambiente de Simulação Aeroespacial – ASA in Portuguese), and how this cloud-based service called ASA Simulation as a Service (ASA-SimaaS) can provide greater autonomy and economy for the military force. The main contribution of this work is to present the ASA-SimaaS solution as a means of empowering digital transformation in defense scenarios, establishing a partnership network, and improving the military's simulation capabilities and competitiveness.


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