Blockchain Goes Green? An Analysis of Blockchain on Low-Power Nodes

by   Dumitrel Loghin, et al.

Motivated by the massive energy usage of blockchain, on the one hand, and by significant performance improvements in low-power, wimpy systems, on the other hand, we perform an in-depth time-energy analysis of blockchain systems on low-power nodes in comparison to high-performance nodes. We use three low-power systems to represent a wide range of the performance-power spectrum, while covering both x86/64 and ARM architectures. We show that low-end wimpy nodes are struggling to run full-fledged blockchains mainly due to their small and low-bandwidth memory. On the other hand, wimpy systems with balanced performance-to-power ratio achieve reasonable performance while saving significant amounts of energy. For example, Jetson TX2 nodes achieve around 80 and 30 18x and 23x less energy compared to traditional brawny servers with Intel Xeon CPU.


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