BlockMarkchain: A Secure Decentralized Data Market with a Constant Load on the Blockchain

by   Hamidreza Ehteram, et al.

In this paper, we develop BlockMarkchain, as a secure data market place, where individual data sellers can exchange certified data with buyers, in a secure environment, without any mutual trust among the parties, and without trusting on a third party, as a mediator. To develop this platform, we rely on a smart contract, deployed on a secure public blockchain. The main challenges here are to verify the validity of data and to prevent malicious behavior of the parties, while preserving the privacy of the data and taking into account the limited computing and storage resources available on the blockchain. In BlockMarkchain, the buyer has the option to dispute the honesty of the seller and prove the invalidity of the data to the smart contract. The smart contract evaluates the buyer's claim and punishes the dishonest party by forfeiting his/her deposit in favor of the honest party. BlockMarkchain enjoys several salient features including (i) the certified data has never been revealed on the public blockchain, (ii) the size of data posted on the blockchain, the load of computation on the blockchain, and the cost of communication with the blockchain is constant and negligible, and (iii) the computation cost of verifications on the parties is not expensive.


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