Building Spatio-temporal Transformers for Egocentric 3D Pose Estimation

by   Jinman Park, et al.

Egocentric 3D human pose estimation (HPE) from images is challenging due to severe self-occlusions and strong distortion introduced by the fish-eye view from the head mounted camera. Although existing works use intermediate heatmap-based representations to counter distortion with some success, addressing self-occlusion remains an open problem. In this work, we leverage information from past frames to guide our self-attention-based 3D HPE estimation procedure – Ego-STAN. Specifically, we build a spatio-temporal Transformer model that attends to semantically rich convolutional neural network-based feature maps. We also propose feature map tokens: a new set of learnable parameters to attend to these feature maps. Finally, we demonstrate Ego-STAN's superior performance on the xR-EgoPose dataset where it achieves a 30.6 to a 22


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