Coded Caching with Polynomial Subpacketization

by   Wentu Song, et al.

Consider a centralized caching network with a single server and K users. The server has a database of N files with each file being divided into F packets (F is known as subpacketization), and each user owns a local cache that can store M/N fraction of the N files. We construct a family of centralized coded caching schemes with polynomial subpacketization. Specifically, given M, N and an integer n≥ 0, we construct a family of coded caching schemes for any (K,M,N) caching system with F=O(K^n+1). More generally, for any t∈{1,2,...,K-2} and any integer n such that 0≤ n≤ t, we construct a coded caching scheme with M/N=t/K and F≤ K(1-M/N)K+nn.


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