Compatibility of Space-Time Kernels with Full, Dynamical, or Compact Support

by   Tarik Faouzi, et al.

We deal with the comparison of space-time covariance kernels having, either, full, spatially dynamical, or space-time compact support. Such a comparison is based on compatibility of these covariance models under fixed domain asymptotics, having a theoretical background that is substantially coming from equivalence or orthogonality of Gaussian measures. In turn, such a theory is intimately related to the tails of the spectral densities associated with the three models. Models with space-time compact support are still elusive. We taper the temporal part of a model with dynamical support, obtaining a space-time compact support. The spectrum related to such a construction is obtained through temporal convolution of the spatially dynamical spectrum with the spectrum associated with the temporal taper. The solution of such a challenge opens the door to the compatibility-based comparison. Our findings show that indeed these three models can be compatible under some suitable parametric restrictions. As a corollary, we deduce implications in terms of maximum likelihood estimation and misspecified kriging prediction under fixed domain asymptotics.


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