Computing Sparse Jacobians and Hessians Using Algorithmic Differentiation

by   Bradley M. Bell, et al.

Stochastic scientific models and machine learning optimization estimators have a large number of variables; hence computing large sparse Jacobians and Hessians is important. Algorithmic differentiation (AD) greatly reduces the programming effort required to obtain the sparsity patterns and values for these matrices. We present forward, reverse, and subgraph methods for computing sparse Jacobians and Hessians. Special attention is given the the subgraph method because it is new. The coloring and compression steps are not necessary when computing sparse Jacobians and Hessians using subgraphs. Complexity analysis shows that for some problems the subgraph method is expected to be much faster. We compare C++ operator overloading implementations of the methods in the ADOL-C and CppAD software packages using some of the MINPACK-2 test problems. The experiments are set up in a way that makes them easy to run on different hardware, different systems, different compilers, other test problem and other AD packages. The setup time is the time to record the graph, compute sparsity, coloring, compression, and optimization of the graph. If the setup is necessary for each evaluation, the subgraph implementation has similar run times for sparse Jacobians and faster run times for sparse Hessians.


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