Convex Optimization without Projection Steps

by   Martin Jaggi, et al.

For the general problem of minimizing a convex function over a compact convex domain, we will investigate a simple iterative approximation algorithm based on the method by Frank & Wolfe 1956, that does not need projection steps in order to stay inside the optimization domain. Instead of a projection step, the linearized problem defined by a current subgradient is solved, which gives a step direction that will naturally stay in the domain. Our framework generalizes the sparse greedy algorithm of Frank & Wolfe and its primal-dual analysis by Clarkson 2010 (and the low-rank SDP approach by Hazan 2008) to arbitrary convex domains. We give a convergence proof guaranteeing ϵ-small duality gap after O(1/ϵ) iterations. The method allows us to understand the sparsity of approximate solutions for any l1-regularized convex optimization problem (and for optimization over the simplex), expressed as a function of the approximation quality. We obtain matching upper and lower bounds of Θ(1/ϵ) for the sparsity for l1-problems. The same bounds apply to low-rank semidefinite optimization with bounded trace, showing that rank O(1/ϵ) is best possible here as well. As another application, we obtain sparse matrices of O(1/ϵ) non-zero entries as ϵ-approximate solutions when optimizing any convex function over a class of diagonally dominant symmetric matrices. We show that our proposed first-order method also applies to nuclear norm and max-norm matrix optimization problems. For nuclear norm regularized optimization, such as matrix completion and low-rank recovery, we demonstrate the practical efficiency and scalability of our algorithm for large matrix problems, as e.g. the Netflix dataset. For general convex optimization over bounded matrix max-norm, our algorithm is the first with a convergence guarantee, to the best of our knowledge.


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