Cosmetic-Aware Makeup Cleanser

by   Yi Li, et al.

Face verification aims at determining whether a pair of face images belongs to the same identity. Recent studies have revealed the negative impact of facial makeup on the verification performance. With the rapid development of deep generative models, this paper proposes a semanticaware makeup cleanser (SAMC) to remove facial makeup under different poses and expressions and achieve verification via generation. The intuition lies in the fact that makeup is a combined effect of multiple cosmetics and tailored treatments should be imposed on different cosmetic regions. To this end, we present both unsupervised and supervised semantic-aware learning strategies in SAMC. At image level, an unsupervised attention module is jointly learned with the generator to locate cosmetic regions and estimate the degree. At feature level, we resort to the effort of face parsing merely in training phase and design a localized texture loss to serve complements and pursue superior synthetic quality. The experimental results on four makeuprelated datasets verify that SAMC not only produces appealing de-makeup outputs at a resolution of 256*256, but also facilitates makeup-invariant face verification through image generation.


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