Cross-CBAM: A Lightweight network for Scene Segmentation

by   Zhengbin Zhang, et al.

Scene parsing is a great challenge for real-time semantic segmentation. Although traditional semantic segmentation networks have made remarkable leap-forwards in semantic accuracy, the performance of inference speed is unsatisfactory. Meanwhile, this progress is achieved with fairly large networks and powerful computational resources. However, it is difficult to run extremely large models on edge computing devices with limited computing power, which poses a huge challenge to the real-time semantic segmentation tasks. In this paper, we present the Cross-CBAM network, a novel lightweight network for real-time semantic segmentation. Specifically, a Squeeze-and-Excitation Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Module(SE-ASPP) is proposed to get variable field-of-view and multiscale information. And we propose a Cross Convolutional Block Attention Module(CCBAM), in which a cross-multiply operation is employed in the CCBAM module to make high-level semantic information guide low-level detail information. Different from previous work, these works use attention to focus on the desired information in the backbone. CCBAM uses cross-attention for feature fusion in the FPN structure. Extensive experiments on the Cityscapes dataset and Camvid dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed Cross-CBAM model by achieving a promising trade-off between segmentation accuracy and inference speed. On the Cityscapes test set, we achieve 73.4 88.6FPS on NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti.


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