Deep Bayesian inference for seismic imaging with tasks

by   Ali Siahkoohi, et al.

We propose to use techniques from Bayesian inference and deep neural networks to translate uncertainty in seismic imaging to uncertainty in tasks performed on the image, such as horizon tracking. Seismic imaging is an ill-posed inverse problem because of unavoidable bandwidth and aperture limitations, which that is hampered by the presence of noise and linearization errors. Many regularization methods, such as transform-domain sparsity promotion, have been designed to deal with the adverse effects of these errors, however, these methods run the risk of biasing the solution and do not provide information on uncertainty in the image space and how this uncertainty impacts certain tasks on the image. A systematic approach is proposed to translate uncertainty due to noise in the data to confidence intervals of automatically tracked horizons in the image. The uncertainty is characterized by a convolutional neural network (CNN) and to assess these uncertainties, samples are drawn from the posterior distribution of the CNN weights, used to parameterize the image. Compared to traditional priors, in the literature it is argued that these CNNs introduce a flexible inductive bias that is a surprisingly good fit for many diverse domains in imaging. The method of stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics is employed to sample from the posterior distribution. This method is designed to handle large scale Bayesian inference problems with computationally expensive forward operators as in seismic imaging. Aside from offering a robust alternative to maximum a posteriori estimate that is prone to overfitting, access to these samples allow us to translate uncertainty in the image, due to noise in the data, to uncertainty on the tracked horizons. For instance, it admits estimates for the pointwise standard deviation on the image and for confidence intervals on its automatically tracked horizons.


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