Deep Music Analogy Via Latent Representation Disentanglement

by   Ruihan Yang, et al.

Analogy is a key solution to automated music generation, featured by its ability to generate both natural and creative pieces based on only a few examples. In general, an analogy is made by partially transferring the music abstractions, i.e., high-level representations and their relationships, from one piece to another; however, this procedure requires disentangling music representations, which takes little effort for musicians but is non-trivial for computers. Three sub-problems arise: extracting latent representations from the observation, disentangling the representations so that each part has a unique semantic interpretation, and mapping the latent representations back to actual music. An explicitly-constrained conditional variational auto-encoder (EC2-VAE) is proposed as a unified solution to all three sub-problems. In this study, we focus on disentangling the pitch and rhythm representations of 8-beat music clips conditioned on chords. In producing music analogies, this model helps us to realize the imaginary situation of "what if" a piece is composed using a different pitch contour, rhythm pattern, chord progression etc., by borrowing the representations from other pieces. Finally, we validate the proposed disentanglement method using objective measurements and evaluate the analogy examples by a subjective study.


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