Deep projection networks for learning time-homogeneous dynamical systems
We consider the general class of time-homogeneous dynamical systems, both discrete and continuous, and study the problem of learning a meaningful representation of the state from observed data. This is instrumental for the task of learning a forward transfer operator of the system, that in turn can be used for forecasting future states or observables. The representation, typically parametrized via a neural network, is associated with a projection operator and is learned by optimizing an objective function akin to that of canonical correlation analysis (CCA). However, unlike CCA, our objective avoids matrix inversions and therefore is generally more stable and applicable to challenging scenarios. Our objective is a tight relaxation of CCA and we further enhance it by proposing two regularization schemes, one encouraging the orthogonality of the components of the representation while the other exploiting Chapman-Kolmogorov's equation. We apply our method to challenging discrete dynamical systems, discussing improvements over previous methods, as well as to continuous dynamical systems.