Distance-wise Prototypical Graph Neural Network in Node Imbalance Classification

by   Yu Wang, et al.

Recent years have witnessed the significant success of applying graph neural networks (GNNs) in learning effective node representations for classification. However, current GNNs are mostly built under the balanced data-splitting, which is inconsistent with many real-world networks where the number of training nodes can be extremely imbalanced among the classes. Thus, directly utilizing current GNNs on imbalanced data would generate coarse representations of nodes in minority classes and ultimately compromise the classification performance. This therefore portends the importance of developing effective GNNs for handling imbalanced graph data. In this work, we propose a novel Distance-wise Prototypical Graph Neural Network (DPGNN), which proposes a class prototype-driven training to balance the training loss between majority and minority classes and then leverages distance metric learning to differentiate the contributions of different dimensions of representations and fully encode the relative position of each node to each class prototype. Moreover, we design a new imbalanced label propagation mechanism to derive extra supervision from unlabeled nodes and employ self-supervised learning to smooth representations of adjacent nodes while separating inter-class prototypes. Comprehensive node classification experiments and parameter analysis on multiple networks are conducted and the proposed DPGNN almost always significantly outperforms all other baselines, which demonstrates its effectiveness in imbalanced node classification. The implementation of DPGNN is available at <https://github.com/YuWVandy/DPGNN>.


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