Distributed Beamforming for Agents with Localization Errors

by   Erfaun Noorani, et al.

We consider a scenario in which a group of agents aim to collectively transmit a message signal to a client through beamforming. In such a scenario, we investigate the effects of uncertainty in the agents' local positions on the quality of the communication link formed between the agents and the client. We measure the quality of the communication link by the magnitude of the beamforming gain which is a random variable due to the agents' localization errors. To ensure the existence of a reliable communication link despite the agents' localization errors, we formulate a subset selection problem which is to select a subset of agents that minimizes the variance of the beamforming gain while ensuring that the expected beamforming gain exceeds a desired threshold. We first develop two greedy algorithms, greedy and double-loop-greedy, each of which returns a globally optimal solution to the subset selection problem under certain sufficient conditions on the maximum localization error. Then using the functional properties of the variance and expected value of the beamforming gain, we develop a third algorithm, difference-of-submodular, which returns a locally optimal solution to a certain relaxation of the subset selection problem regardless of the maximum localization error. Finally, we present numerical simulations to illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithms as a function of the total number of agents, maximum localization error, and the expected beamforming gain threshold.


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