DOOM: A Novel Adversarial-DRL-Based Op-Code Level Metamorphic Malware Obfuscator for the Enhancement of IDS

by   Mohit Sewak, et al.

We designed and developed DOOM (Adversarial-DRL based Opcode level Obfuscator to generate Metamorphic malware), a novel system that uses adversarial deep reinforcement learning to obfuscate malware at the op-code level for the enhancement of IDS. The ultimate goal of DOOM is not to give a potent weapon in the hands of cyber-attackers, but to create defensive-mechanisms against advanced zero-day attacks. Experimental results indicate that the obfuscated malware created by DOOM could effectively mimic multiple-simultaneous zero-day attacks. To the best of our knowledge, DOOM is the first system that could generate obfuscated malware detailed to individual op-code level. DOOM is also the first-ever system to use efficient continuous action control based deep reinforcement learning in the area of malware generation and defense. Experimental results indicate that over 67 generated by DOOM could easily evade detection from even the most potent IDS. This achievement gains significance, as with this, even IDS augment with advanced routing sub-system can be easily evaded by the malware generated by DOOM.


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