Dropout Prediction Variation Estimation Using Neuron Activation Strength

by   Haichao Yu, et al.

It is well-known DNNs would generate different prediction results even given the same model configuration and training dataset. As a result, it becomes more and more important to study prediction variation, i.e. the variation of the predictions on a given input example, in neural network models. Dropout has been commonly used in various applications to quantify prediction variations. However, using dropout in practice can be expensive as it requires running dropout inference many times to estimate prediction variation. In this paper, we study how to estimate dropout prediction variation in a resource-efficient manner. In particular, we demonstrate that we can use neuron activation strength to estimate dropout prediction variation under different dropout settings and on a variety of tasks using three large datasets, MovieLens, Criteo, and EMNIST. Our approach provides an inference-once alternative to estimate dropout prediction variation as an auxiliary task when the main prediction model is served. Moreover, we show that using activation strength features from a subset of neural network layers can be sufficient to achieve similar variation estimation performance compared to using activation features from all layers. This can provide further resource reduction for variation estimation.


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