Dual-Primal Isogeometric Tearing and Interconnecting methods for the Stokes problem

by   Jarle Sogn, et al.

We are interested in a fast solver for linear systems obtained by discretizing the Stokes problem with multi-patch Isogeometric Analysis. We use Dual-Primal Isogeometric Tearing and Interconnecting (IETI-DP) methods. In resent years, IETI-DPand related methods have been studied extensively, mainly for the Poisson problem. For the Stokes equations, several challenges arise since the corresponding system is not positive definite, but has saddle point structure. Moreover, the Stokes equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions have a null-space, consisting of the constant pressure modes. This poses a challenge when considering the scaled Dirichlet preconditioner. We test out two different scaled Dirichlet preconditioners with different choices of primal degrees of freedom. The tests are performed on rather simple domains (the unit square and a quarter annulus) and a more complicated domain (a Yeti-footprint).


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