DualFormer: Local-Global Stratified Transformer for Efficient Video Recognition

by   Yuxuan Liang, et al.

While transformers have shown great potential on video recognition tasks with their strong capability of capturing long-range dependencies, they often suffer high computational costs induced by self-attention operation on the huge number of 3D tokens in a video. In this paper, we propose a new transformer architecture, termed DualFormer, which can effectively and efficiently perform space-time attention for video recognition. Specifically, our DualFormer stratifies the full space-time attention into dual cascaded levels, i.e., to first learn fine-grained local space-time interactions among nearby 3D tokens, followed by the capture of coarse-grained global dependencies between the query token and the coarse-grained global pyramid contexts. Different from existing methods that apply space-time factorization or restrict attention computations within local windows for improving efficiency, our local-global stratified strategy can well capture both short- and long-range spatiotemporal dependencies, and meanwhile greatly reduces the number of keys and values in attention computation to boost efficiency. Experimental results show the superiority of DualFormer on five video benchmarks against existing methods. In particular, DualFormer sets new state-of-the-art 82.9 Kinetics-400/600 with around 1000G inference FLOPs which is at least 3.2 times fewer than existing methods with similar performances.


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