Dynamic Prioritization and Adaptive Scheduling using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for Deploying Microservice-based VNFs

by   Swarna B. Chetty, et al.

The Network Function Virtualization (NFV)-Resource Allocation (RA) problem is NP-Hard. Traditional deployment methods revealed the existence of a starvation problem, which the researchers failed to recognize. Basically, starvation here, means the longer waiting times and eventual rejection of low-priority services due to a 'time out'. The contribution of this work is threefold: a) explain the existence of the starvation problem in the existing methods and their drawbacks, b) introduce 'Adaptive Scheduling' (AdSch) which is an 'intelligent scheduling' scheme using a three-factor approach (priority, threshold waiting time, and reliability), which proves to be more reasonable than traditional methods solely based on priority, and c) a 'Dynamic Prioritization' (DyPr), allocation method is also proposed for unseen services and the importance of macro- and micro-level priority. We presented a zero-touch solution using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) for adaptive scheduling and an online-Ridge Regression (RR) model for dynamic prioritization. The DDPG successfully identified the 'Beneficial and Starving' services, efficiently deploying twice as many low-priority services as others, reducing the starvation problem. Our online-RR model learns the pattern in less than 100 transitions, and the prediction model has an accuracy rate of more than 80


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