Īµ-Almost collision-flat universal hash functions and mosaics of designs

by   Moritz Wiese, et al.

We introduce, motivate and study Īµ-almost collision-flat (ACFU) universal hash functions f:š’³Ć—š’®ā†’š’œ. Their main property is that the number of collisions in any given value is bounded. Each Īµ-ACFU hash function is an Īµ-almost universal (AU) hash function, and every Īµ-almost strongly universal (ASU) hash function is an Īµ-ACFU hash function. We study how the size of the seed set š’® depends on Īµ,|š’³| and |š’œ|. Depending on how these parameters are interrelated, seed-minimizing ACFU hash functions are equivalent to mosaics of balanced incomplete block designs (BIBDs) or to duals of mosaics of quasi-symmetric block designs; in a third case, mosaics of transversal designs and nets yield seed-optimal ACFU hash functions, but a full characterization is missing. By either extending š’® or š’³, it is possible to obtain an Īµ-ACFU hash function from an Īµ-AU hash function or an Īµ-ASU hash function, generalizing the construction of mosaics of designs from a given resolvable design (Gnilke, Greferath, Pavčević, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 86(1)). The concatenation of an ASU and an ACFU hash function again yields an ACFU hash function. Finally, we motivate ACFU hash functions by their applicability in privacy amplification.


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