Edge-Cloud Collaboration Enabled Video Service Enhancement: A Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence Scheme
In this paper, a video service enhancement strategy is investigated under an edge-cloud collaboration framework, where video caching and delivery decisions are made in the cloud and edge respectively. We aim to guarantee the user fairness in terms of video coding rate under statistical delay constraint and edge caching capacity constraint. A hybrid human-artificial intelligence approach is developed to improve the user hit rate for video caching. Specifically, individual user interest is first characterized by merging factorization machine (FM) model and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) model, where both low-order and high-order features can be well learned simultaneously. Thereafter, a social aware similarity model is constructed to transferred individual user interest to group interest, based on which, videos can be selected to cache. Furthermore, a double bisection exploration scheme is proposed to optimize wireless resource allocation and video coding rate. The effectiveness of the proposed video caching scheme and video delivery scheme is finally validated by extensive experiments with a real-world data set.