EE-BSMU: Energy-Efficient Base Station Monitoring Unit for Smart Communication in Smart Cities

by   Syed Waqas Haider Shah, et al.

Internet-of-things (IoT) is used in almost every aspect of our daily life and it is widely used in smart city application. In order to monitor an environment and to provide services to a citizen, IoT uses various devices to sense, actuate, send data, receive data. Sensing is being done by various sensors and these data are stored in the cloud through a communication system. Mobile communication is one of the major players for transmission of data from end devices to cloud. As the demand for mobile communication increases more number base stations (BS) are deployed to facilitate services. In addition to traditional services, mobile communication systems are improvised to support newer services like IoT devices. So, it is important to impart the smartness of the base station in order to provide efficient services with reduced carbon emission. In this work, we proposed a base station monitoring unit (BSMU) to increase the smartness of BS, a base station monitoring unit is used to collect, compute and transmits data and an Intelligent unit is embedded within the BSMU uses MapReduce algorithm and HDFS to reduces the size of the file to be transferred to the distributed cloud where the distributed cloud is used to store data and send notification about the abnormalities to the administrator. Thus the proposed BSMU achieved improved quality-of-service (QoS) of BS with minimized resource usage and carbon emission.


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