Efficient and Accurate Candidate Generation for Grasp Pose Detection in SE(3)

by   Andreas ten Pas, et al.

Grasp detection of novel objects in unstructured environments is a key capability in robotic manipulation. For 2D grasp detection problems where grasps are assumed to lie in the plane, it is common to design a fully convolutional neural network that predicts grasps over an entire image in one step. However, this is not possible for grasp pose detection where grasp poses are assumed to exist in SE(3). In this case, it is common to approach the problem in two steps: grasp candidate generation and candidate classification. Since grasp candidate classification is typically expensive, the problem becomes one of efficiently identifying high quality candidate grasps. This paper proposes a new grasp candidate generation method that significantly outperforms major 3D grasp detection baselines. Supplementary material is available at https://atenpas.github.io/psn/.


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