Efficient Relation-aware Neighborhood Aggregation in Graph Neural Networks via Tensor Decomposition

by   Peyman Baghershahi, et al.

Numerous models have tried to effectively embed knowledge graphs in low dimensions. Among the state-of-the-art methods, Graph Neural Network (GNN) models provide structure-aware representations of knowledge graphs. However, they often utilize the information of relations and their interactions with entities inefficiently. Moreover, most state-of-the-art knowledge graph embedding models suffer from scalability issues because of assigning high-dimensional embeddings to entities and relations. To address the above limitations, we propose a scalable general knowledge graph encoder that adaptively involves a powerful tensor decomposition method in the aggregation function of RGCN, a well-known relational GNN model. Specifically, the parameters of a low-rank core projection tensor, used to transform neighborhood entities in the encoder, are shared across relations to benefit from multi-task learning and incorporate relations information effectively. Besides, we propose a low-rank estimation of the core tensor using CP decomposition to compress the model, which is also applicable, as a regularization method, to other similar linear models. We evaluated our model on knowledge graph completion as a common downstream task. We train our model for using a new loss function based on contrastive learning, which relieves the training limitation of the 1-N method on huge graphs. We improved RGCN performance on FB15-237 by 0.42 considerably lower dimensionality of embeddings.


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