Elephant-Human Conflict Mitigation: An Autonomous UAV Approach
Elephant-human conflict (EHC) is one of the major problems in most African and Asian countries. As humans overutilize natural resources for their development, elephants' living area continues to decrease; this leads elephants to invade the human living area and raid crops more frequently, costing millions of dollars annually. To mitigate EHC, in this paper, we propose an original solution that comprises of three parts: a compact custom low-power GPS tag that is installed on the elephants, a receiver stationed in the human living area that detects the elephants' presence near a farm, and an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system that tracks and herds the elephants away from the farms. By utilizing proportional-integral-derivative controller and machine learning algorithms, we obtain accurate tracking trajectories at a real-time processing speed of 32 FPS. Our proposed autonomous system can save over 68