ELFI: Engine for Likelihood Free Inference
The Engine for Likelihood-Free Inference (ELFI) is a Python software library for performing likelihood-free inference (LFI). ELFI provides a convenient syntax for specifying LFI models commonly composed of priors, simulators, summaries, distances and other custom operations. These can be implemented in a wide variety of languages. Separating the modelling task from the inference makes it possible to use the same model with any of the available inference methods without modifications. A central method implemented in ELFI is Bayesian Optimization for Likelihood-Free Inference (BOLFI), which has recently been shown to accelerate likelihood-free inference up to several orders of magnitude. ELFI also has an inbuilt support for output data storing for reuse and analysis, and supports parallelization of computation from multiple cores up to a cluster environment. ELFI is designed to be extensible and provides interfaces for widening its functionality. This makes addition of new inference methods to ELFI straightforward and automatically compatible with the inbuilt features.