Ensemble Learning Applied to Classify GPS Trajectories of Birds into Male or Female

by   Dewan Fayzur, et al.

We describe our first-place solution to the Animal Behavior Challenge (ABC 2018) on predicting gender of bird from its GPS trajectory. The task consisted in predicting the gender of shearwater based on how they navigate themselves across a big ocean. The trajectories are collected from GPS loggers attached on shearwaters' body, and represented as a variable-length sequence of GPS points (latitude and longitude), and associated meta-information, such as the sun azimuth, the sun elevation, the daytime, the elapsed time on each GPS location after starting the trip, the local time (date is trimmed), and the indicator of the day starting the from the trip. We used ensemble of several variants of Gradient Boosting Classifier along with Gaussian Process Classifier and Support Vector Classifier after extensive feature engineering and we ranked first out of 74 registered teams. The variants of Gradient Boosting Classifier we tried are CatBoost (Developed by Yandex), LightGBM (Developed by Microsoft), XGBoost (Developed by Distributed Machine Learning Community). Our approach could easily be adapted to other applications in which the goal is to predict a classification output from a variable-length sequence.


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